Manufacture of highly customizable and
custom-made food processing equipment
Supporting food manufacturing plants
Manufacture of highly customizable food manufacturing equipment
Contract manufacturing of low cost & high quality food manufacturing equipment
Sales business of non-freon refrigeration equipment

Food manufacturing equipment
Our custom made food equipment meets all needs from customers such as improving work efficiency, production capacity, and maintaining production in high quality.
Contract manufacturing
We offer high quality manufacturing at low cost by using parts manufactured at our overseas factory and performing assembly and final inspection in Japan.
Commercial refrigeration
Proposal of various CO2 catalyst non-freon commercial refrigeration units with extremely low CO2 emissions and reduced energy consumption.
Product lineup
Precision sheet metal processing with high technology required
Stainless steel or aluminum made precision sheet metal cultivated through food manufacturing equipment
Large housing and R-shaped precision sheet metal
Precision sheet metal requiring clean finish such as for exterior parts

Please feel free to contact us for any questions, request for quotation, repair or after-sales support.